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the Red Berets

  • 1 red

    red [red] (compar redder, superl reddest)
    (a) (gen) rouge; (hair, beard) roux (rousse);
    to turn or to go red (person, litmus paper) rougir, devenir rouge; (leaves) roussir; (sky) rougeoyer;
    wait till the lights turn red attend que le feu passe au rouge;
    red with anger/shame rouge de colère/honte;
    to take a red pen to sth corriger qch à l'encre rouge;
    to be red in the face (after effort) avoir la figure toute rouge; (with embarrassment) être rouge de confusion; (permanent state) être rougeaud;
    there will be some red faces on the Opposition benches cela va causer de l'embarras dans les rangs de l'opposition;
    to be as red as a beetroot être rouge comme une pivoine;
    to bring or to raise a metal to red heat chauffer ou porter un métal au rouge;
    to be as red as a lobster (with sunburn) être rouge comme une écrevisse;
    proverb red sky at night, shepherd's delight = ciel rouge le soir est signe de beau temps;
    proverb red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning = ciel rouge le matin est signe de mauvais temps;
    American familiar it's not worth a red cent ça ne vaut pas un clou ou un centime;
    literary hands red with the blood of martyrs mains trempées dans le sang des martyrs
    to go into red ink (person) être à découvert; (company) être en déficit; (account) avoir un solde déficitaire
    2 noun
    (a) (colour) rouge m;
    dressed in red habillé en rouge;
    familiar to see red (be angry) voir rouge
    (b) (in roulette) rouge m; (in snooker) (bille f) rouge f
    (c) (wine) rouge m
    (d) familiar pejorative (communist) rouge mf, coco mf;
    reds under the bed = expression évoquant la psychose du communisme;
    the reds-under-the-bed syndrome la phobie anti-communiste
    to be in the red (person) avoir un découvert, être dans le rouge; (company) être en déficit; (account) avoir un solde déficitaire;
    to be £5,000 in the red (person) avoir un découvert de 5000 livres; (company) avoir un déficit de 5000 livres; (account) avoir un solde déficitaire de 5000 livres;
    to get out of the red (person) combler son découvert; (company) sortir du rouge
    ►► Entomology red admiral vulcain m;
    red alert alerte f rouge;
    to be on red alert être en état d'alerte maximale;
    Entomology red ant fourmi f rouge;
    Red Army Armée f rouge;
    the Red Arrows = patrouille d'avions de chasse britannique spécialisée dans les spectacles de voltige aérienne;
    History the Red Baron le Baron rouge;
    the Red Berets = division des parachutistes de l'armée britannique;
    red blood cell globule m rouge, hématie f;
    Accountancy & Finance red bottom line solde m débiteur;
    red cabbage chou m rouge;
    red card (in football, rugby) carton m rouge, Belgian carte f rouge;
    to get or to receive the red card recevoir le carton ou Belgian la carte rouge;
    red carpet tapis m rouge;
    to roll out the red carpet for sb (for VIP) dérouler le tapis rouge en l'honneur de qn; (for guest) mettre les petits plats dans les grands en l'honneur de qn;
    to give sb the red-carpet treatment réserver un accueil fastueux ou princier à qn;
    Botany red cedar cèdre m rouge;
    red channel (at airport etc) file f pour les passagers qui ont des objets à déclarer à la douane;
    familiar Red China la Chine communiste ou populaire ;
    red corpuscle globule m rouge, hématie f;
    the Red Crescent le Croissant-Rouge;
    the Red Cross (Society) la Croix-Rouge;
    Botany red dead-nettle ortie f pourpre;
    Zoology red deer cerf m commun;
    Red Devils = équipe de parachutistes de l'armée britannique connue pour ses spectacles d'acrobatie aérienne;
    British familiar red duster = pavillon de la marine marchande britannique;
    Astronomy red dwarf naine f rouge;
    Red Ensign = pavillon de la marine marchande britannique;
    Photography red eye (UNCOUNT) = phénomène provoquant l'apparition de taches rouges dans les yeux des personnes photographiées au flash;
    red flag drapeau m rouge;
    the Red Flag = hymne du parti travailliste britannique;
    Zoology red fox renard m roux;
    Astronomy red giant géante f rouge;
    Ornithology red grouse lagopède m (rouge) d'Écosse;
    Red Guard garde f rouge;
    Religion red hat barrette f (de cardinal);
    red herring (fish) hareng m saur; figurative diversion f;
    it's just a red herring ce n'est qu'un truc pour nous dépister ou pour brouiller les pistes;
    Red Indian Peau-Rouge mf;
    Ornithology red kite milan m royal;
    red lead minium m;
    Cookery Red Leicester = fromage anglais à pâte pressée;
    Cars red light feu m rouge;
    to go through a red light passer au rouge, brûler le feu rouge;
    American Red Light Green Light (game) 1,2,3… Soleil;
    red list = liste gouvernementale des produits illégaux;
    red meat viande f rouge;
    red mud boues fpl rouges;
    Ichthyology red mullet rouget barbet m;
    Red Nose Day = au Royaume-Uni, journée d'action caritative organisée tous les deux ans par une association composée essentiellement de comiques (ainsi nommée en raison des nez rouges en plastique vendus à cette occasion);
    Zoology red panda petit panda m;
    red pepper (spice) (poivre m de) cayenne m; (vegetable) poivron m rouge;
    the Red Planet (Mars) la planète rouge;
    Botany red rattle pédiculaire m des bois;
    the Red River la Red River;
    British red route axe m rouge;
    American History the Red Scare = vague de déportations d'immigrants suspectés de communisme organisée par le gouvernement américain dans les années 20;
    the Red Sea la mer Rouge;
    red setter setter m irlandais;
    History Red Shirts Chemises fpl rouges;
    Ichthyology red snapper vivanneau m;
    red spider araignée f rouge;
    Astronomy Red Spot (Grande) Tache f rouge;
    Red Square la place Rouge;
    Zoology red squirrel écureuil m roux;
    red tape (bureaucracy) paperasserie f;
    there's too much red tape il y a trop de paperasserie ou de bureaucratie;
    red tide marée f rouge
    ✾ Book 'The Red Badge of Courage' Crane 'La Conquête du courage'

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > red

  • 2 beret

    'berei, ]( American) bə'rei
    (a round flat cap made of soft cloth, as worn by soldiers: Paratroopers wear red berets.) boina
    beret n boina
    1 boina
    beret [bə'reɪ] n
    : boina f
    boina (Textil) s.f.
    bə'reɪ, 'bereɪ
    noun boina f
    N boina f

    the Red Berets — (Mil) los boinas rojas

    * * *
    [bə'reɪ, 'bereɪ]
    noun boina f

    English-spanish dictionary > beret

  • 3 sanfermines

    1 festival of San Fermín (held in Pamplona)
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    SANFERMINES The Sanfermines is a week-long festival starting on 7 July in Pamplona (Navarre) to honour San Fermín, the town's patron saint. One of its main events involves bulls and bullfighting. The bulls are led from their enclosure to the bullring early in the morning through the city's main streets; young men, dressed in traditional Navarrese red berets, white shirts and trousers with red sashes around their waists, run through the streets leading the fast-moving bulls. This activity, known as the encierro, in which people risk serious injury and even death, was popularized by writers such as Ernest Hemingway and now attracts visitors from all over the world. The festivities start with the txupinazo, a large rocket fired from Pamplona's main square, and for a full week Pamplona becomes one large street party punctuated by the daily encierro.
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    The fiestas de San Fermín, Pamplona's patron saint, are the festival for which the Navarrese capital has become world-famous. It begins on July 6 with the txupinazo, the firing of a rocket in the main square. The bull-running, or encierro, starts at 8 a.m. the following day and takes place every day until July 14. The bulls that will fight that evening are released, and those who wish to, usually young men, run in front of them. Accidents are frequent.
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    sanfermines sustantivo masculino plural: festival in Pamplona in which bulls are run through the streets
    * * *
    = festival held in Pamplona in July during which bulls are run through the streets of the town
    The sanfermines of Pamplona, celebrations in honour of the local martyr Saint Fermín, are one of the most widely known of Spanish festivals, in no small part due to their being immortalized by Hemingway in “The Sun Also Rises” (1926). For a week on or around the feast of Saint Fermín (7 July) the people of Pamplona and visitors throw themselves wholeheartedly into non-stop celebration. The most eagerly awaited event, apart from the afternoon bullfights themselves, is the “encierro”, the legendary “running of the bulls” at daybreak, where bulls are let loose to run through the city streets on the way to the bullring, pursuing crowds of local and visiting men who try to outrun them. During the three minutes or so of the run there is constant danger that runners (especially inexperienced ones) might be injured, even fatally, and over the years there have been more than a dozen fatalities, and hundreds of runners have been gored. Yet the running of the bulls goes on year after year, offering a unique opportunity for those so inclined to test their nerve and swiftness of foot.

    Spanish-English dictionary > sanfermines

  • 4 Wayne, John

    (1907-1979) Уэйн, Джон
    Киноактер. Настоящее имя Мэрион Майкл Моррисон [Morrison, Marion Michael], имел прозвище Дьюк [The Duke]. Начинал работу в кино в конце 1920-х каскадером. Среди более 150 ролей наибольший успех ему принесли роли сильных личностей - ковбоев, военных и героев приключенческих фильмов и вестернов [ western]. Благодаря этим ролям в 1950-60-е актера считали эталоном американского патриотизма, его имя стало символом 100-процентного американца и супергероя. Многие фильмы с его участием сняты его другом - режиссером Дж. Фордом [ Ford, John], в частности фильм "Дилижанс" ["The Stagecoach"] (1939, в советском прокате "Путешествие будет опасным"), который сделал его кинозвездой. Среди других известных фильмов с его участием: "Долгий путь домой" ["The Long Voyage Home"] (1940), "Форт Апачи" ["Fort Apache"] (1948), "Красная река" ["Red River"] (1948), "Она носила желтую ленту" ["She Wore a Yellow Ribbon"] (1949), "Рио-Гранде" ["Rio Grande"] (1950), "Тихий человек" ["The Quiet Man"] (1952), "Рио-Браво" ["Rio Bravo"] (1959), "Хатари!" ["Hatari!"] (1962), "Эльдорадо" ["El Dorado"] (1966), "Настоящая выдержка" ["True Grit"] (1969) - премия Оскар [ Oscar], "Маккью" ["McQ"] (1974). Был исполнителем главных ролей и режиссером фильмов "Аламо" ["The Alamo"] (1960) и "Зеленые береты" ["The Green Berets"] (1968). В последнем война во Вьетнаме [ Vietnam War] изображалась как некий крестовый поход американцев. После смерти актера по решению Конгресса была выпущена памятная медаль с его изображением в роли Д. Крокетта [ Crockett, Davy (David)] из фильма "Аламо" и надписью "Джон Уэйн, американец" ["John Wayne, American"]

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Wayne, John

  • 5 Ertzaintza

    SF autonomous Basque police (force) ERTZAINTZA The Ertzaintza is the Basque autonomous police force, recognizable by its distinctive uniform of red sweater, red beret and white truncheon. Madrid has devolved certain policing responsibilities to the Basque government (as well as to Catalonia) but the national police forces, the Policía Nacional and the Guardia Civil, continue to have a role as well.
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    femenino Basque police force
    •• Cultural note:
    The Basque autonomous police force. Its members, called ertzainas, wear a uniform of red sweaters and berets, and white jackets. Despite the Ertzaintza's wide range of responsibilities, the Guardia Civil and Policía Nacional still operate in the Basque Country
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    femenino Basque police force
    •• Cultural note:
    The Basque autonomous police force. Its members, called ertzainas, wear a uniform of red sweaters and berets, and white jackets. Despite the Ertzaintza's wide range of responsibilities, the Guardia Civil and Policía Nacional still operate in the Basque Country
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    Ertzaintza (↑ Ertzaintza a1)
    Basque police force
    The Basque autonomous police force. Its members, called ertzainas, wear a uniform of red sweaters and berets, and white jackets. Despite the Ertzaintza 's wide range of responsibilities, the Guardia Civil (↑ guardia a1) and Policía Nacional (↑ policía a1) still operate in the Basque Country.
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    Ertzaintza [er'tʃaintʃa] nf
    Esp = Basque regional police force

    Spanish-English dictionary > Ertzaintza

См. также в других словарях:

  • (the) Red Berets — the Red Berets [the Red Berets] a popular name for the British Army’s ↑Parachute Regiment. Compare ↑Green Berets Compare ↑Red Devils …   Useful english dictionary

  • The Red Berets —    Voir Les Bérets rouges …   Dictionnaire mondial des Films

  • Red Berets — Red Ber|ets, the a popular name for the ↑parachute division of the British army. They are called this because of the red ↑berets (=soft hats) that are part of their uniform …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Red Berets F.C. — Football club infobox clubname = Red Berets fullname = Red Berets Football Club nickname = founded = 1980 ground = Afraha Stadium Nakuru, Kenya capacity = chairman = manager = league = Kenyan Premier League season = 2008 position = pattern… …   Wikipedia

  • Red Berets — a popular name for the British Army’s Parachute Regiment. Compare Green Berets, Red Devils. * * * …   Universalium

  • (the) Parachute Regiment — the Parachute Regiment [the Parachute Regiment] (also infml the Paras) a section of the British army, started in 1940, which is trained in the use of ↑parachutes. They are known for being a very strong and controlled fighting force, and for the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • The Ohio State University Marching Band — School The Ohio State University Location Columbus, Ohio Conference Big Ten Founded 1878 Director Jon R. Woods …   Wikipedia

  • Red beret — The Red Beret, as opposed to the Maroon beret is worn by many military police, paramilitary, and commando forces around the world.Military Units*Red berets are worn by the French Army s famed Parachutistes Coloniaux ( Colonial Paratroopers ),… …   Wikipedia

  • Red Power movement — The phrase Red Power , attributed to the author Vine Deloria, Jr., commonly expressed a growing sense of pan Indian identity in the late 1960s among American Indians in the United States. The major catalyst of Red Power was the occupation of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Red hat — or Red Hat may refer to:* Red Hat, Inc. a company dedicated to open source software such as Linux * Red Hat Linux, a former product of Red Hat, Inc., now replaced by Red Hat Enterprise Linux * Red Hat sect, a classification of schools of Tibetan… …   Wikipedia

  • The Blekinge Street Gang — ( da. Blekingegadebanden) (December 1972 to May 1989) was a group of ten communist political activists who during the 1970s and 80s committed a number of highly professional robberies in Denmark and sent the money to the Popular Front for the… …   Wikipedia

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